Our Vision for 2030
The Unidos in Power coalition envisions a thriving Latino community in Massachusetts by 2030—harnessing its collective strength, exceptional talents, diverse perspectives, and rich cultural heritage to create a prosperous future for Latinos and the entire state.
Our Priorities for 2030
The Unidos in Power coalition strengthens prosperity, well-being, and opportunities for Latinos statewide by focusing on six key priorities:
Our Purpose for 2030
Guided by a bold vision for 2030, Unidos in Power is a statewide movement and network committed to driving transformative progress for Massachusetts’ vibrant and fast-growing Latino community.
Unidos in Power comprises Latino leaders and Latino-serving organizations, working collaboratively with government, business, nonprofit, and community stakeholders to advance the interests and well-being of the Latino community.
The Unidos in Power coalition advances our statewide efforts through the following core operating principles:
Steering Committee
Latinos are a major source for human capital.
22% of students in Massachusetts are Latino.
The Latino community will make up over 35% of the workforce by 2030.
Funding Partners
We deeply appreciate our funding partners for their support.
Individual Sponsors
Joseph Betancourt
Rosalin Acosta
Migdalia Diaz
Cesar Archilla